Friday, August 3, 2018

Lost And Found

In my own special way I am pretty organized. The problems usually develops when I put things away in a safe place. I am in preparation mode these days. In the studio as much as possible to paint in oils. There really is a method to my art making madness. The oils need to be done first because they need to dry in order to be packed for travel. Yes, you can travel with wet canvases but I prefer these to be framed and ready to hang.

The in-between times while waiting for the painting I am working on to dry I prep other works. Pulling pictures out for references, making sketches, notan studies and preparing works to be framed. This was where the lost part comes in...I knew I had a small piece that I wanted to include in the show in October. I had put it away while I was gone to teach at CGOTH. The challenge was finding what I had safely tucked away. It took pretty much all day. I looked through the flat files, storage cabinets, print bins, and works to be framed, twice, but still not there. Finally, remembered I have a paper file for pieces waiting to be framed. I rarely use it but there it was, the last placed I looked!

Now, just waiting for the frames to arrive. Still making choices of what art goes where. Trying to think of shows I need work for in 2020, it is a strange business, having to plan sometimes two years in advance. Wish me luck that I don't lose anything else.

Found works and works waiting to be framed.
How I organize for works to be done.

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