Friday, November 16, 2018

And A Shooting Star

This morning I woke to the sound of two Great Horned Owls having a conversation in the Mesquite tree in my backyard. Still dark I knew I would not get a photograph but I wanted (needed) to see them. They never seem to mind me coming out in the yard just to watch and listen.

The one owl was in his normal spot at the top of the tree. I could see his silhouette. I could not see the owl responding to his call, and whose voice was a little higher in pitch. Then the other owl popped up to greet the male, at least I think it is a male. As the two were introducing themselves, a shooting star shot by over their heads - wow! Two owls and a shooting star to start my morning. All this before coffee, time to grab my mug and go back out to see if there are any more stars flying about.

Great Horned Owl pastel, charcoal on coffee stained paper 8X10