Monday, February 19, 2018

Up On My Roof

Or send in the clouds??? My home and studio are all on one floor but there is a stairway up to my roof. This allows 360 degree views, oh my. I know I take way too many pictures but that doesn't mean I won't keep taking them. This morning, the sky was filled with dark clouds. Watched to see what the sunrise might bring. It did not disappoint, it was not the sky filled with color but it was filled with clouds.

Here are a few different angles for your inspiration on a Monday morning.






Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tea Two Ways

Most of you know that I love my morning coffee but that does not mean that I can't make room for tea. I especially like a spice tea on a gray, rainy, morning. Which there are not a lot in AZ but the last two days have brought some well needed rain. So, this morning as I write this and have my left over tea bag. The question is what do you do with your tea bag?

This weekend and all next week I will have tea two ways. After drinking my cup of tea, I will put the tea bag, and contents in my vat of pulp to create tea paper. It is best to put used tea bags in the pulp, otherwise you will create a dark color from the tea leaves. As your hands go in the pulp to pull a sheet of paper, you will also be staining your hands. The tea leaves create a beautiful textured paper.

Want to learn more about tea papers? What to learn more about making paper? If you do not want to commit to a workshop yet, come by this weekend: Feb. 17th and 18th between 9 am and 4 pm to see a free demonstration on how to recycle materials and make handmade paper. Plus, there will be lots of art supplies on sale, along with special deals on hand pulled prints and a few prizes.

For more information you can check out the web site:
or e-mail me at:

Tea Two Ways: In my mug and under my mug
Paper made using tea bags, flowers, lavender, leaves, maps and old art papers

Handmade paper, recycled art papers with tea leaves, fern, flower pedals and fibers